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Privacy Policy

SUBLIME GROUP is committed to respecting your privacy.

The present Privacy Policy describes who we are, for what ends may we use your personal data, how we process it, with whom do we share it, for how long do we keep it, as well as how to contact us and exercise your rights.


Your personal data is processed by Sublime Stay, S.A., legal entity n.º: 510677185, with company headquarters at EN 261-1, C. P. 3954, Muda, 7570-337 Grândola – Portugal, telephone: +(351) 269449397. Your data may be processed by the companies: Sublime Comporta Beach Club, Lda – legal entity n.º: 503230596, Sublime Stay Lisboa, Lda – legal entity n.º: 510197990 and Purplewishes, Lda – legal entity n.º: 514900660, together designated SUBLIME Group.


The processing of user’s personal data by SUBLIME Group, as well as the sending of marketing communications through various channels, are in accordance with the national and European applicable legislation, namely EU Regulation 2016/679 (General Data Protection Regulation).


SUBLIME GROUP is responsible for processing your personal data and will only do so when:

  1. 1. There is a legitimate interest in doing so, namely for the purpose of:
  2. a. Maintaining the pre-contratual or contractual relationship with our business society;
  3. b. Reservations management;
  4. c. Check-in, billing and payment;
  5. d. Compliance with legal norms;
  6. e. Pursuing our business society’s legitimate interests (namely safety of people and property, events, product research and development);
  7. f. Answering information requests (budget requests, confirming reservations, etc. );
  8. g. Providing in-house services (provision of services and treatment adaptation in SPAs, management of personal preferences such as smoker/non-smoker, floor preference, limited mobility, newspapers and magazines, etc.);
  9. h. Being able to contact our business society by e-mail. Informing our business society about activities, campaigns, promotions, events, among others, that we consider of interest;
  10. j. Conducting questionnaires on the quality of the services we offer, as well as carrying out loyalty programs.
  11. 2. Your consent to process your personal data for specific and legitimate purposes has been obtained; and/or
  12. 3. Deemed necessary to fulfil applicable contractual and legal obligations.


When you fill out the forms available on our website or the registration forms at the Hotel’s reception, your personal data (like your name, e-mail, phone number or address) are collected by SUBLIME Group and used to answer your questions or requests, or to provide you with information.

If you sign up for one of our events, some of your personal data may be shared with event organizing entities and/or with other participants.

By providing us with your contact data, SUBLIME Group may contact you for marketing purposes regarding our services, as long as you have consented to the treatment of your personal data for that end. If you agree, you will receive marketing communications by e-mail. You may, at any time, oppose this data processing.

The personal data you provide us will also be processed for the purposes indicated at the time of collection.

Your agreement is essential for SUBLIME Group to treat your personal data for these purposes. However, if you chose not to give your consent, your visit and the use of our website will not be affected.


We keep personal data for as long as necessary to fulfill the purposes for which it was collected. However, in certain cases, we may keep data for longer periods, namely, when required by law.


At any moment you can:

  1. 1. Request access to the information we keep about you. As the personal data subject, you have the right to obtain confirmation whether or not the data that concerns you is being processed and, if that’s the case, to access your data and the information stipulated by law.
  2. 2. Request that imprecise or incomplete Information be corrected. As the personal data subject, you have the right to have inaccurate or incomplete information concerning you corrected by SUBLIME Group without unjustified delay.
  3. 3. Request the elimination of your personal data. As the personal data subject, you have the right to request that SUBLIME Group delete your data without unjustified delay, and we have the obligation to delete personal data without unjustified delay, as long as one of the following reasons is applicable:
  4. a. The personal data is no longer necessary for the purpose that motivated its collection or treatment;
  5. b. You removed your consent for the processing of personal data (in the cases where processing depends on consent) and there are no other reasons to continue processing that data;
  6. c. You oppose the data processing and there are no prevailing legitimate interests that justify the data treatment.
  7. 4. Request the limitation of the processing of your personal data. As the personal data subject, you have the right to request that SUBLIME Group limit the processing of your personal data if one of the following situations applies:
    1. a. You challenge the accuracy of the personal data for a period that allows SUBLIME Group to check its accuracy;
    2. b. The data processing is legal, and the data subject opposes the deletion of the personal data and requests that its use be limited;
    3. c. SUBLIME Group no longer needs the personal data for processing purposes, but the data is required by the subject to establish, exercise or defend a legal claim;
    4. d. If you oppose the processing of data, until the legitimate reasons of the data controller have been established, these will prevail over those of the data subject.
  8. 5. Oppose the processing of your personal data. In cases where the data processing is carried out for the purpose of legitimate interests pursued by SUBLIME Group, or the data is processed for direct marketing purposes or profile creation, you may also, at any moment, oppose the processing of your personal data.
  9. 6. If the processing depends on your consent, you have the right to remove it. If consent is legally required for the processing of personal data, the data subject has the right to withdraw consent at any time, although that right does not hinder the legality of the processing carried out on the basis of consent previously given, or the subsequent processing of the same data on another legal basis, such as fulfilling a contract or legal obligation to which SUBLIME Group may be subjected.
  10. 7. If you wish to exercise any of your rights, you can contact us by email at or by post to the address indicated above.

You may be requested to provide proof of your identity to ensure that personal data is only shared with its holder.

You should be aware that, in certain cases (for example, due to legal requirements), it may not be possible to process your request immediately. In any case, you will be informed of the steps taken to respond to your request within one month of the request’s submission date.

You also have the right to submit a complaint to the National Commission for Data Protection:


We are committed to keeping your data secure, and we use appropriate security measures to ensure the protection of your personal data and to prevent access by unauthorized persons. We regularly analyze our systems and security policies to ensure that data is secure and protected. However, the transmission of information via the Internet is not completely safe, and we cannot guarantee the absolute security of information transmitted through our website.

We also respect the confidentiality of your information. Therefore, we do not sell, distribute or in any way make your information commercially available to any third party. We will only communicate your data to third parties if that data communication is necessary for the provision of services or legal obligations.

SUBLIME Group is committed to keeping your information confidential in accordance with this Privacy Policy.


Se permanecer com alguma dúvida relativamente ao tratamento dos seus dados pessoais, ou pretender exercer algum dos seus direitos, contacte-nos através do e-mail:

Bear in mind that, occasionally, SUBLIME Group will update this Privacy Policy.

We recommend that you periodically revise this document on our website to keep yourself up to date.

Published on 12/02/2024

Bellini Brunch
O Davvero apresenta o exclusivo Bellini Brunch – Italian Style, servido aos sábados e domingos das 12h00 às 15h30, onde a tradição e a autenticidade italianas o levarão certamente a uma viagem gastronómica inesquecível. Uma seleção de sabores especialmente preparadas pelo nosso Chef e Bellinis incluídos ao longo da refeição, criando uma experiência de buffet ao estilo italiano que irá seduzir o seu paladar.